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Profiteer by Adrian Vega
Item Number: TB7927



Profiteer by Adrian Vega

Profiteer by Adrian Vega

The Mystery Box is a classic plot that most magicians have in their repertoire. Having a freely selected, signed card, appear miraculously in an isolated container is a plot that is easy to follow, and it drives magicians and laypeople crazy. Adrian Vega, the creator of SCAANDAL, has taken this concept to the extreme by developing a Mystery Box without a box! He has created the most organic version we have ever seen. All of the items in play make perfect sense and we guarantee that it will become a staple in card transportations and predictions. The switch is so invisible that not only is it fun to perform, but it will hold up on a TV set even if they use slow motion cameras!

  • Always ready to perform
  • Use it with billets, predictions, and any type of playing card, fully customizable
  • No elastics
  • Takes up little pocket space
  • Objects are organic in everyday situations
  • Gimmick is instantly reset and ready for next performance
Profiteer is the ultimate bar bet, and the best part, you'll never lose!

Note: Requires Rubber Cement and scissors to construct.

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