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Miracle Puzzle (Close Up) by Doruk Ulgen
Item Number: TB8962




Miracle Puzzle (Close Up) by Doruk Ulgen

Miracle Puzzle (Close Up) by Doruk Ulgen

A poetic mystery, a display of pure elegance and beauty...

A Sophisticated Mystery Experience...

Miracle Puzzle Mini

Performer introduces a puzzle that fits perfectly in a beautiful frame. He invites the spectators to examine the puzzle pieces and the frame. Frame is removed and performer presents an extra piece and sets it aside. Puzzle pieces are mixed and re-arranged in full view. Alltough the rectangular shape is still the same, one piece seems to be missing. The extra piece shown earlier, fits perfectly to this spot. However mystery continues as the performer presents an even bigger piece, adds it to the puzzle, re-arranges the pieces and yet again make a perfect rectangular. However this time, the piece that was introduced earlier is left out. Pieces are re-arranged again to make a perfect spot for this piece once again. All of the mystery so far escalates itself to a new level once the performer takes the frame which stayed in full view throughout the performance. Although there are new pieces added, the frame still fits the puzzle perfectly, leaving the audiences puzzled with a sophisticated mystery experience.

Strong Points:

  • Easy to do
  • 5 second reset
  • All pieces can be thoroughly examined throughout the routine
  • Can be done surrounded and at any time of your act
  • Not just another trick, its a complete routine with adjustable timing
  • Perform it with a custom story that fits your style, whether it be poetic, fun, full of mystery
Measures approx 19 x 22 cm with the frame.

  • Hand crafted hardĀ PVC foam puzzle pieces with magnetic backs (these feel like wood but more sturdy and lighter!), marble like pattern on their face and a clear protection layer on top
  • An elegant frame that fits the puzzle perfectly
  • Detailed written instructions with photographs showing each step
Made in limited quantities, get yours while you can!


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