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PhotoShop 2 by Will Tsai and SansMinds
Item Number: TB9323

4 stars


PhotoShop 2 by Will Tsai and SansMinds

PhotoShop 2  by Will Tsai and SansMinds

It comes with

1. Original PhotoShop gimmick PLUS the new streamlined PhotoShop 2.0 gimmick. Two in one.

2. THREE sets of effects ready-made for you so you can start performing out of box
a. Mystery Card: Produce a folded prediction from a photo (Blue Bicycle back)
b. Coin Surprise: Produce a single coin as a simple effect or one coin routine.
c. Rubik's Surprise: Magically introduce popular modern plot in magic - Mini Rubik's cube.

?All professionally taken and prepared to save your hassle.
For those who are interested in knowing how PhotoShop will help you in your repertoire for years to come, here's a quick read.

This market is overfilled with products, and this one has stood the test of time in our repertoire.

The original PhotoShop was released over a decade ago by Will Tsai. At the time when visual magic on TV was the trend, Will's vision was to explore the concept of constructing the visual for spectators' heads instead of their eyes. At the time it was a huge success for him. When it was first released because it was so different, some magicians hate it, some gave it a chance and tried. And some absolutely loved it. For those who tried, most fell in love with instant discovery of the practicality and how well spectators respond to the Most who are still in close touch with us about how they are evolving their own routine after a decade. It's so adaptable, the cleverness hiding behind the boldness is surreal.

Wherever we go, gimmicks can be made tailor to the situation easily. It's magically done with the relevant objects, whether if it's local items or situational like a lost wedding ring found in a photo. The magic is SO simple, directly, describable that most magicians don't understand why and how in the world the magic would work until when they see our audience respond to the magic - using PhotoShop.

It's been more than 10 years and things come and go. We made this one come back with zero hesitation.

If you are looking for powerful and simple magic that's adaptable and practical.

We strongly encourage you to give PhotoShop 2.0 a try.

What is inside the box?

  • 1 x original photoshop gimmick
  • 1 x new photoshop gimmick
  • 18 high-quality photos (6 photos per effect. 3 effects in total)
  • Online instruction link
Here are some things customers said about the original photoshop:

"Photoshop is an easy to learn, mostly self-working, impressive presentation"
- Kenny, New York USA

"It well worth it. I really like it because it packs small and delivers BIG! Good magic is easy magic and this is GOOD MAGIC!!"
- Madison, Arizona USA

"This is a WORKER!"
- Eric, Washington USA

"Easy to perform, Loads of opportunities, Great Reactions. GO to trick to leave them speechless"
- Juan New Mexico USA

"Take a little time and invest in it, it will definitely be worth it."
- Julien , London United Kingdom

NOTE: The Extended Photo Pack is also available separately. It is professionally produced and made available for those who don't have time to customize their own effects, effects as follows:
  • Kiss chocolate
  • Sponge ball
  • 4 half dollars for coin routine
  • Goldfish
  • Lighter
  • Ferrero Rocher chocolate
  • Mystery Card (Red Bicycle Back)


Like many magicians, I am skeptic on a "re-issued" or "improved model. Photoshop 2 shows how we can evolve and improve our performances. If someone does an object coming off their phone (over 30 youTub showing how)...then show photoshop and receive a greater WTF. With varied effects and enough photos for your kind of magic show, this is a worthy everyday prop. - Ben L.

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