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Pocket Friendly Cups & Balls by Magicbox and Daniel Dorian Johnson
Item Number: TC2214



Pocket Friendly Cups & Balls by Magicbox and Daniel Dorian Johnson

Pocket Friendly Cups & Balls by Magicbox and Daniel Dorian Johnson

From the mind of Mr Freak (Daniel Dorian Johnson) Magicbox proudly presents Pocket Friendly Cups & Balls.
A full Cups & Balls routine using nothing but 4 cards and a final load.
Show 3 Cups & 3 Balls under each cup.
One by one make each balls disappear then reappear with the wand that the spectator has been holding the whole time.
It doesn't stop there.
After one more way wave of the wand, a tennis ball appears under each cup.
And then a REAL Tennis Ball is thrown out from under the cards.
This is a routine ideal for any walkaround table magician and takes up very little pocket space. It can even fit in your wallet ready to go.

What you receive:

  • 100% plastic matte cards
  • In Depth online instructions
  • Mini tennis ball for final load.
  • We also include different final load cards so you can produce different items at the end should you wish.

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