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Cheeky Lips Alexis Touchard
Item Number: TC2432



Cheeky Lips Alexis Touchard

Cheeky Lips Alexis Touchard

First Effect: Visual extraction
A card is chosen and signed by a spectator. You lost this card in the deck. Then you show a card with a single mouth printed on it, you put it face down on the spectator's hand. You snap your fingers as a magic pass then the spectator turns the card face up, there is a folded printed card in the mouth now. You take this card and you visually extract the printed folded card, actually it becomes real. You unfold the card, this is the spectator's signed card.

Second effect: The impossible location
The spectator choses a card and signs it. The card is lost in the deck. Then you show a bunch of keys with on it a keyring in the shape of a mouth with a folded card held in it. You take the card and give it to the spectator, he unfolds it, this is his signed card. That's an impossible location.

Third effect: Signed card transposition
A spectator choses a card and signs it. You fold his card and put it in the keyring and ask him to hold the bunch of keys. Now you chose a card and sign it and then lose it in the deck. Then you show the card with the mouth and folded card printed on it, you take this card and do the visual extraction,(look at the first effect) you unfold the card and surprise this is the spectator's signed card held previously in the keyring, and you ask him to take and unfold the card held in the keyring this is your signed card previously lost in the deck, that's the signed card transposition.

These tricks are:

  • Visual
  • Easy to do
  • The Gimmick is ready to use
  • The reset is fast
  • Several routines
  • All material included (gimmick card, regular cards and the keyring)
  • For close-up and Social media
  • Available in blue OR red bicycle cards

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