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YU HO JIN 8 by Yu Ho Jin
Item Number: TC2874



YU HO JIN 8 by Yu Ho Jin

YU HO JIN 8 by  Yu Ho Jin

YU HO JIN Magician's Manipulation Card has been upgraded to YU HO JIN 8 in 8 years.

YU HO JIN 8 is a product that YU HO JIN Magician released by accepting what he felt while doing Manipulation and what many people thought.


1. Waterproof
2. Increase durability
3. Elasticity increased by 30% compared to the previous version
4. Semi-permanent card case
5. Black art design changed

1. Waterproof
All cards are 'waterproof' to maintain the elasticity of the manipulation card without being affected by wet weather.

2. Increase durability
Unlike traditional manipulation cards, this card can be used semi-permanently due to the increased durability of the card.

3. Elasticity increased by 30% compared to the previous version of 'YU HO JIN Card'
With increased elasticity compared to the previous ver. 'YU HO JIN Card', you can perform a competent production.

4. Semi-permanent card case
It consists of a dust bag case, unlike the commonly box-shaped cases. This case can also be used semi-permanently.

5. Black art design changed
The back side of the card has been changed to beige, so you can perform various styles that you want.

YU HO JIN 8 is thought to be the result of YU Ho JIN's Illusionist Tour and World Global Tour.

Please be accompanied by YU HO JIN 8 and we hope you can also perform better Manipulation Magic.

We think it isn't just purchasing his card, it's an opportunity for you to join his history.

Product included: YU HO JIN 8 + dust bag

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